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PageSpeed Insights

Overview of the PageSpeed Insights page

Updated over 8 months ago

An overview of the PageSpeed Insights page, which shows the improvement in score Seona has made to your website as measured by Google's PageSpeed Insights test!

Direct Integration with Google

All data presented in the PageSpeed Insights Tab is sourced directly from Google. You can even cross-reference the data provided by Seona with Google's own insights by clicking the "Try PageSpeed Insights Yourself" button, giving you full transparency and control over your website's performance.

Understanding Your Scores

Your PageSpeed Insights score is a metric provided by Google. Seona presents this score in two forms: the grey figure represents your score without Seona's code changes, while the purple figure reflects your score with Seona's optimizations applied.

Detailed Breakdown and Checklist

In addition to overall scores, Seona provides a detailed breakdown of your PageSpeed Insights report. This breakdown categorizes various aspects of your site's performance and highlights areas for improvement.

Accompanying the breakdown is a checklist of optimization factors used by Google to assess your site's performance. Seona not only identifies these factors but also indicates the optimizations it has implemented. A purple sparkle next to a checklist item signifies optimizations performed by Seona, while green checkmarks indicate existing optimizations. However, if a checklist item has a red caution symbol, it means that your site does not meet the criteria, and Seona may not support implementing it.

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